i cant pretend that i am ok. I cant take itany longer. i dont think i can live like this 4ever.I dream of this time 4 all d times i've breath d air.But it was lost. Lost down in d ocean. Why my parent take it away from me. Why i should live this life without a dream anymore.It hurt me so. It make my self fallin into a pieces.I cant believe i will live n wake every morning with d same thing. same old d thing i hate d most.WIthout any person i could call mine to share life, tears even laughter. I am bad.I let my parent took it away from me.Pls, give me back to me. dont you know i am suffer. dont you know i give all my dream 4 all this thing. Just to make u proud n learn how to appreciate a small thing without thinking of money. I hate youu coz u make me lose my dreams. I hate u 4 make me feel of under appreciate of bad parent. I need friend. Friend that really appreciate me as friend. Friend who never jealous of anything from me. If they are, just bcoz they really love me and reach my hand. Im suffer. Im dying. Im jealous of anything.Im alone. Im fight it on my own.No one know. No one. but today im still waiting 4 d miracle. But today im lose in d ocean n dont know how 2 make it better even a little. im scare in my own self. i dont have any strenght at all. I dont tell any one. God, only see me n mayb want me like this. n today i give up 4 the 23 years old fight thing 4 wot i dream of. n today i let everything burried n throw deep in d ocean.Anyone try to reach me.i dont want anyone to see me my tears but it had 2 stop to be pretend. Bcozof my fuckin brother bcoz of my fuckin parent. Didnt they see what im bcoming a great daughter but u just to blame me on all of my fuckin character just bcoz i dont want receive something that alwayyyss freee.that i dont like to lie n be lie. dont they see wot im fight 4 in order everybody appreciate my parent with tears n work4have money just to buy food n school but u burried of my dreamjust bcoz ur fuckin ego. ur fuckin aproud son who pretend being sick. dont you know i am dmost most hurt 4 d fucking fighter alone. n now u see me fallin coz i dont have any strength at all to easier ur problem. coz nowi dont have any dream to fight for just bcoz i want to easier ur problembut u just said im not a good daughter coz d way i talk. d way i think. i dont feel i have a fam, brother i do it all by myself n bla..bla..bla..even my auntie said to"if i were u fi,mayb im bcome a hooker!" i dont want 2 make u r not proud at me bcoz she said i just want u 2 see what u should see but u just said im bad girl, really bad girl n really bad girl of children. n now i give up. i dont have anything 2 be proud. not any thing i havein my life. im just sit down in my room with full of feelin scare of nothing. Feel so empty. empty 4 d rest of my life but only one hope a miracle. i cant pretend anymore n i wont. let it bejust what it be. im GIVE up. even my hushband need 2years 2 under stand wot i've been through n cry 4 me after he really2 understand what they've been doing in my life n how i fight every day of my life4them n they just say im not a good daughter ven the worst..they kill all d thing im fight4 23 years of my life n im give up..